
No one cares if the tax rates go up 2% or down 2%. It's a shell game. Since the rich don't pay any taxes, the idea of raising taxes on that is of course a farce but it really gets an applause from all the poor in this country who think they are socking it to the rich people. Instead, we inflate our money supply and thereby inflate the assets of the rich and destroy the middle class. So let's see how this works in principle. The President goes around the country and tells the middle class they are going to save $400 this year in taxes. And he explains how getting rid of the tax cuts is going to take money from the wealthy to bring equality to society. Here is what really happens. The middle class do indeed get their $400 while 10k come out of their savings from the loss in currency. Oh yeah the rich pay little to nothing in taxes since most of their income comes from long term gains and asset appreciation. Meanwhile that guy who has 100 million invested in various assets sees his assets appreciate by 20%. He might pay a few thousand here and there in extra taxes and makes an extra 20 million on the asset pump.  The money has to come from somewhere. And it comes from the middle class. That is what is unconstitutional. Steal from the middle class, subsidize the poor and inflate the rich. Only the subsidies don't really help the poor because they are getting priced out through inflation. It's a wonderful system.  No, I have no problem with tax payer money going to shelters or food banks. They cost us nothing. I'm talking about all the things we subsidize in the name of lifting the poor out of poverty. You know poverty rates have gone up every single decade since even though we keep throwing more money at it.

And what does our President tell the poor to do with any stimulus money they get? He tells them to spend it. That is the exact opposite advice you want to give the poor.  Let's see here. The rich are rich because they save and invest. The poor spend and go into debt. Heaven forbid we give them yet another stimulus check, the last thing I would tell them to do is go to Best Buy. He only perpetuates poverty by doing this. Honestly every time I see this President on TV explaining why need to give money to the poor and middle class because they are more likely to waste it and spend it, I shiver. I mean I can't believe this guy is saying what he is saying. If you really want to help the poor, you should teach them how to save.  You know after Katrina we had a very interesting experiment. The President decided it would be a wonderful idea to hand out pre-paid debit cards to all the victims. What they didn't know was we set them up so we could track where they were spending the money. And where did those "poor" people spend the money. On their rent, their medical, food? Nope, they spent it at the bar, strip clubs, cigarettes, alcohol and junk. There is a bigger problem we have to address. At some point we have to let natural selection take it's course. People need to be free to fail and suffer. You can't put a perpetual band aid on everything. And if these young kids still find a way to blow it, again, I have no issues with funding shelters or food pantries. So they won't die on the street. At some point man we have to start holding people accountable.