I had what alcoholics call a moment of clarity. An epiphany. I realized that I had to be held accountable for all my actions in life whether I liked it or not. What I came to see and understand was that in order for society to function as a whole, we need universal accountability for everyone. Not just for the rich or the poor, or the whites or the blacks, or the men or the women, but everyone. If left to our own devices, we will always excuse our own behavior and condemn the behavior of others. That’s human nature. That is why accountability has to be universal. We must face the end results of our actions. We can't just call timeout in life when things happen that we don't like. If I lose all my money trading I can't cry for a do over and get my money back. The money is gone. We all make mistakes in life and we all have to pay a price for them, that's called life. That's how we learn. What kind of society would we have if we never had to pay for our mistakes? Think about it. I came to a point in my life where I realized I can no longer blame others for my own actions. I had to take responsibility for everything I did. And that made sense. There was something really free about that. There was something very liberating about that. The point is, I'm not a perfect person. I have made many mistakes in my life. But none of them bother me. None of them keep me up at night. You know why, because deep down inside I know that I got the result I was suppose to get. I didn't cheat myself. My life was fairly valued. Not undervalued, not overvalued, but perfectly priced. Perfectly efficient. There is a feeling when you get to this point that I cannot describe. It allows you to be free for the first time ever. And there is nothing that replaces that feeling. You see only when you realize that your life, your place in this world, is to be completely efficient with every choice you make, you no longer dwell on the mistakes you make or the wrong turns you take. You accept things as they should have happened. You admit to yourself that you got nothing more and nothing less then what you paid for.
Like I said there isn't a better feeling in the world. You actually see life for what it is. A set of choices. You make the choices, then you see the results. No do overs in the game of life. That's what makes it so much fun. There is so much on the line with every decision you make. It's a gamblers nirvana. I don't expect everyone to see my point of view because until you reach this zenith of understanding your own life, this will not make much sense. But if you are lucky, you will have this epiphany one day too, and I swear to you this, you will never be the same person ever again. You will finally reach a state of happiness that no amount of money, drugs or sex could ever give. Those things will only add to the happiness that you have every day. Remember, universal accountability. The choices you make, the end results of your actions, these are truly the things that will bring you happiness because you will see life as completely perfect. Remember, you made the choice; the end result is exactly what it should be. Nothing more and nothing less. And that is why no other outcome could make you more happy. Because any other outcome then the one you got would not be fair. Think about it. I guess at the end of the day, after all the bickering is over, it all comes down to this. Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Can you live with yourself? Can you sleep at night? Guilt is often the most harsh consequence of all of them.
Like I said there isn't a better feeling in the world. You actually see life for what it is. A set of choices. You make the choices, then you see the results. No do overs in the game of life. That's what makes it so much fun. There is so much on the line with every decision you make. It's a gamblers nirvana. I don't expect everyone to see my point of view because until you reach this zenith of understanding your own life, this will not make much sense. But if you are lucky, you will have this epiphany one day too, and I swear to you this, you will never be the same person ever again. You will finally reach a state of happiness that no amount of money, drugs or sex could ever give. Those things will only add to the happiness that you have every day. Remember, universal accountability. The choices you make, the end results of your actions, these are truly the things that will bring you happiness because you will see life as completely perfect. Remember, you made the choice; the end result is exactly what it should be. Nothing more and nothing less. And that is why no other outcome could make you more happy. Because any other outcome then the one you got would not be fair. Think about it. I guess at the end of the day, after all the bickering is over, it all comes down to this. Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Can you live with yourself? Can you sleep at night? Guilt is often the most harsh consequence of all of them.