There are people today that live in complete and utter happiness in Tibet with no material possessions or desires. We keep talking about all those people who are suffering without ever thinking about the true source of their unhappiness. This hyperbole about what will happen to all those that can't find work is just that, hyperbole. Put down the anti-capitalism books and start reading about the depression. It was really bad. Much worse then now. And we got through it. We got through it because as individuals we changed. Instead of the excess and greed of the 1920's, people actually started saving money. They didn't buy stuff. They didn't try to impress their neighbors. And you know what else they didn't do? Trade!!!!! That's right, they weren't chasing a dream of making millions by looking for a holy grail in the market place. Today our society seems to be more interested in the quick buck then actually building something. Whether it's flipping real estate, marrying for money, suing someone for all their worth or just stealing it from unsuspecting investors. The pain we are going through now is absolutely critical for us to survive as a species. We cannot, we absolutely will not survive without this pain. If I come over to your house and kill you, there really is nothing society as a whole or you as an individual can do about that. We are talking about the broader economic landscape that we all shape and form. The way out of this mess is to look inward, not outward. Fix yourself first. Then help those around you. It's the exact reason why on a plane the flight attendant tells you, in case of an emergency, put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then on your child. Because if you can't breathe, you won't be able to help your child. The same rule applies to society. You are asking for these broad economic disparities to be fixed yet you don't want people to fix these problems in their own life. Where do you think these "broad" problems come from? They don't come from outer space, they come from each of us as individuals. Do you know who the Yanomamo tribe is? They are one of the last surviving tribes of people who live in the Amazon rain forest that have virtually no contact with the outside world. Only in the last half century have a few people made contact with them. They have no electricity and live off the land. They are a very happy and content people. No doubt they have no free health care, no public school system. I don't think you will find any traders in the bunch. In your eyes, you would see them as having nothing. In their eyes, they have everything. And what's more important...they are happy.