Trading & Golf

All trades start with a directional opinion and/or a volatility assumption. Where has the stock and implied volatility been and where might they be going? Take it slowly. Walk before you run. An analogy to playing a hole in golf: Remember that if you take a triple bogie on a hole, there are still a lot more left to birdie. Don't get discouraged and upset your inner game.
1. Line up your shot and take your stance (get a hunch). 
2. Drive the ball (Put on your play or spread). 
3. Go to where you hit the ball in order to plan your next shot (after some time or a market move, assess the situation).
4. Hit it again (adjust, exit or stay with it).
There is no need to wonder anything until you get to the ball. (Until you get to know your trading self, learn. Don't worry about the strategy until your time horizon expires or your price targets or exit points have been met). Each time, assess your lie and your view to the pin. You are going to slice, hook and fall into traps so keep your exposure low until you can rely on your own experience and abilities (not the golf book or video) to get you back on course.