It is always bad news when you do not carry out your plan, even if you save money, because you are losing control of yourself. You may have saved money for today but what about what may be on the heels of that trade over the next few days? It is twice as bad when you do the opposite of what you have planned because you can really get into trouble and lose your confidence. It might be a good time to do a post mortem on your experiences.
What are you good at?
What are you not so good at?
What have you done right?
What have you done wrong?
What works?
What doesn't?
Revise your set of trading rules and follow them to a tee. Be a machine. Have no emotion, no frustration. It is hard to do that but it is a goal to attain for long term trading success. The plan is to trade in a fashion that will keep you safe until you become a fully established trader. You will know that when, all of a sudden, you have no more questions and only answers that you will probably be unwilling to share.