For those who want to sell premium, don't use naked options. Do what the guys on the floor do. Put on back spreads. You can put them on for a credit initially have a position with positive theta and negative vega and collect the premium. If the stock takes off you will then have a position with unlimited upside as you will now have a long gamma and long vega position. This strategy is 10 times better then the dream your way to millions by selling options by the dream man. Why? Because you give yourself so many options. Your position can profit in many ways. Either by lack of movement or sharp movement. Depending on where you sell the strike and how you pivot the slope on the back spread will determine if you want the position to provide a better return by earning the time decay or on the possibility of a big move. Either way, back spreads are unlimited reward and limited risk. Naked options are limited reward and unlimited risk. This spread will also allow you to sleep at night. And when that ten sigma event comes, instead of filing for bankruptcy, you'll be buying your neighbor's house who sold the naked options.