One model may say one thing and another model may say the exact opposite. It doesn't matter what any model says. The best traders accept the fact that they can be wrong and their models can be wrong. Absolute beliefs in any form are detrimental to mankind. Whether they be in love, politics, religion or trading. Allow yourself the opportunity to be wrong and often. Do this and you will make leaps and bounds in your progress of perfecting your trading system. You lean on your model the same way some lean on God or the government or my husband is only beating me because he loves me so much. Your model is just that, a model. We all have our "models" in life. For some it's code of ethics, it's how we live our lives. For some, their "model" is how they lift weights in the gym. For others their model is something they use to trade with. In any case, a model is only as good as the man that made it. And that man is fallible. All men are fallible. You should accept the fact that the problem with the model could be the guy who is programming it. That is usually the case with all of us. The problem may be "you" as "you" are the one that gives the model life. The model only exists because of you. And just like God, you can take it's life away. The model can only spit out what you put into it. Your model is serving it's purpose. The bigger question is, are you?