When something works for somebody, you should never question them, there is no need to. Regardless of how one trades, if you can make money doing it, then do it. How stupid would it be for someone who employs a certain style of trading and consistently makes profits only to stop doing it because somebody told them, that won't work, when in reality it is working. It's like a diet. You always hear people say that won't work and this won't work, but if the person is doing it and losing weight, who cares, let them do it. Everybody's body is different. Each of us react differently to diet and exercise. Well, the same goes with trading. You can take 100 people and let them trade the same strategy and because we all think differently, because we all have different experience, two of us will not trade that same strategy the same way and we will probably get 100 different results. People will say you can't make money trading NYSE, or you can't make money trading nasdaq, or you can't make money day trading forex, or you can't do this or you can't do that. Well, if you can do it, then do it. Some people like to trade covered calls, some people like to trade long gamma, some like short gamma, some like to pair trade, some like to play volty dispersion, who cares, just do it! If you can't be an independent thinker, you won't make it in this business. If you have to listen to others, this is the wrong job for you.
You can't just copy and paste a trading style from someone else and make millions. Trust me, it's not that easy. Trading is like anything else in life, you have to be willing to be the lone wolf. When you get to the fork in the road, you have to be willing to take the road less traveled. Only the most disciplined, the most strong, the most independent can endure such a trip. To be willing to defy the gods of trading and popular opinion and believe in yourself enough and have the conviction to do the right thing. That is a trader gentleman. And only when you reach that point, only then are you going to figure this game out. Until then, sign up for all the chat rooms, buy all the books, go to all the seminars, listen to everybody else, copy everybody else and follow the crowd. At least when you get to end of the road, the road of failure, you will have a lot of people with you and you will have plenty of drinking buddies. Haven't you ever wondered why the bars are full of 60 year old men talking about how good they could have been over a beer? Bar stool after bar stool, they all traveled together and they all ended up at the same spot. The question you have to ask yourself is this, are you willing to walk alone? I can't answer that for you, you'll answer that when you become a trader. Everyone is looking for a magic pill but no such pill exist. All someone can offer is some basic advice and experience. Everything beyond that and we are discussing semantics.
You can't just copy and paste a trading style from someone else and make millions. Trust me, it's not that easy. Trading is like anything else in life, you have to be willing to be the lone wolf. When you get to the fork in the road, you have to be willing to take the road less traveled. Only the most disciplined, the most strong, the most independent can endure such a trip. To be willing to defy the gods of trading and popular opinion and believe in yourself enough and have the conviction to do the right thing. That is a trader gentleman. And only when you reach that point, only then are you going to figure this game out. Until then, sign up for all the chat rooms, buy all the books, go to all the seminars, listen to everybody else, copy everybody else and follow the crowd. At least when you get to end of the road, the road of failure, you will have a lot of people with you and you will have plenty of drinking buddies. Haven't you ever wondered why the bars are full of 60 year old men talking about how good they could have been over a beer? Bar stool after bar stool, they all traveled together and they all ended up at the same spot. The question you have to ask yourself is this, are you willing to walk alone? I can't answer that for you, you'll answer that when you become a trader. Everyone is looking for a magic pill but no such pill exist. All someone can offer is some basic advice and experience. Everything beyond that and we are discussing semantics.