Blame Yourself

Trading futures is by far the toughest instrument to trade. Stock is the easiest, followed by options, then futures and spot FX. Most people simply do not have the right genetic makeup to trade futures. It doesn't matter if they are trained or not. Futures work against almost everything we naturally believe. It's analogous to a wannabe actor in Hollywood that is blaming his agent for not getting any acting work. The problem is whether you are Al Pacino or John Doe, your shot at stardom is slim to none, regardless of your agent. Blaming your agent, Hollywood, the studios, etc for your failures is simply not genuine on your part. The odds of success are terrible no matter where you are. Sure, no one wants to get screwed on commissions, bad equipment, terrible work environment, etc, but that is NOT the reason why you failed. The first step to making it in this business is your ability to be honest with yourself. Until you do that, other factors do not even enter into the equation.